The Importance of Seeing from God’s Viewpoint

Seal yourself off from distractions, get comfortable, and take today’s words in for a tremendous blessing. As with all study of Scripture, what you get out of them will be in proportion to what you put into them.

We start with a question: Do you realize the importance of seeing from God’s viewpoint? This is profound.

Seeing from God’s viewpoint is the only way, the only truth, the only life  – every other way is futile, a lie, and death. Jesus addressed this on the mount: The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matt. 6:22-23).

We are full of light when we see as God does that we already partake of the divine nature – we are already here at His right hand in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus (see 2 Peter 1:3-4; Eph. 2:6).* God tells us this not only through Peter and Paul, but through Jesus as well. The particular word of His we will press into now was spoken to the truth-seeking Pharisee Nicodemus in emphasizing the necessity for rebirth via the Spirit of God: And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, even the Son of man, who is in heaven (John 3:13 ASV). This requires both our meditation and God’s revelation. (You may benefit as I did from seeing all the English translations of it on one glorious page via this link to

Do you see it? All who go into heaven do so because in Christ they already are in/of heaven. In Christ, both our origin and our true abode are here in the heavenly realms. Aliens truly have come to earth: we who have been born of the Spirit of God by faith in Jesus Christ are not of this world – we are aliens (John 8:23, 18:26; 1 Peter 2:11; see also Romans 12:2).

Children of God, do we apprehend who we are?! May God cause us to relinquish self-efforts and BE what He has already made us: the holy Body of Christ! I pray that the Lord grant us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation as we read and meditate upon this glorious TRUTH. (And please do rebog this or email it to other believers!)

To shed more light on this essential matter for the Church, I include and will end with these words spoken by Watchman Nee sometime between 1938 and 1942 (as published in What Shall This Man Do? Christian Literature Crusade, 1973, pp.161, 166):

“You advance spiritually by finding out what you really are, not by trying to become what you hope to be. That goal you will never reach, however earnestly you strive. It is when you see you are dead that you die; it is when you see you are risen that you arise; it is when you see you are holy that you become holy. Seeing the accomplished fact determines the pathway to the realizing of that fact. The end is reached by seeing, not by desiring or working. The only possibility of spiritual progress lies in our discovering the truth as God sees it; the truth concerning Christ, the truth concerning ourselves in Christ, and the truth concerning the Church, the Body of Christ….

“…it is something to be seen by the Holy Spirit’s revelation to our hearts, and not till we see it do we know our heavenly calling. That calling does not call us into heaven, but makes known to us that we are of heaven and in heaven. So the Church is not a company of Christians working their way heavenward, but a company who are actually now citizens of heaven. Remember again: No man hath ascended into heaven, but … the Son of man, which is in heaven. The Church need not pray that she may become like Christ. She needs only to see her place there in union with her Lord.”

Apprehending and living God’s glorious truth with you in Christ, your sister deanna

first posted Aug. 11, 2015 with the title On the Importance of Seeing from God’s Viewpoint

*See The Vital Distinction between “Becoming of Christ” and “Becoming Christ-Like” and  A Scripture to Link with Our Desire to Become “Christ-Like

4 thoughts on “The Importance of Seeing from God’s Viewpoint

  1. I have been praying for you as I don’t think you have posted recently….unless I missed them and I try not to! I appreciate the importance of God’s Holy Spirit to help and guide us with our understanding of this concept. Thank you for your research and sharing your walk of faith. Praying you are well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thank God for you, Rick, and I thank you for your intercession! The Lord has me walking the truth out more vividly: knowing who we are in Christ then (1) commanding sickness and other acts of the devil to leave, and (2) exposing false doctrines to pastors unknowingly teaching them and encouraging them to actually dig into the word and apprehend the truth instead of parroting the falsehoods / traditions of men they were taught in seminary…


  2. That is explained so simply it makes me see that the days of striving are over…….
    It’s a matter of waking up to righteousness and being who we are doing the word,…….
    Taking hold of the fact that we are dead indeed to sin and the old life and alive in Christ
    I feel so overwhelmed by this post because I have all the time been trying to become, when all the while I was. I praise the precious Lord for what He is doing through you and others like you .In bringing the real truth out into the open of the finished work of Christ and our standing and place in that fact.
    It is so exciting to see the revelations that you are getting are what the Lord has been revealing to me. He has been attempting to get through to me but my old thinking has been trying to rise up and prevent me from taking hold.
    I can now see that all of Gods ways are a choice I set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life. (Deut 30: 19) We must choose to see it Gods way which brings blessing or the worlds ways which brings death. Because we are natural creatures that can be hard if we are looking through our eyes but by taking it from who we are in Christ anything is possible.
    Bless you 100 fold

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Praise God for this, Therese! Our Father is astounding beyond any words I can muster, and I am so very grateful that He ensures that another member of this magnificent Body of Christ receives the same revelation and/or shares the very same appreciation along with us – this fellowship is SUCH a tremendous blessing! Thank you so much for taking the time to share all this! (Sorry for the delay; your comment was in my “possible spam” folder and I don’t regularly check it.)

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