Warning from God: Prepare Now – YouTube


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please make time to watch / listen attentively to this video today! The Lord is speaking to all believers via this dear submitted and obedient servant;  only those who heed the warning will overcome the innumerable storms He is bringing now as He shakes all that can be shaken.

Only those believers who overcome all these storms (including persecution from the “synagogue of Satan”) will be seized up at the last trumpet to be with our Bridegroom as “the Christ”; yes, only the WISE VIRGINS with a sufficient  supply of oil (the Holy Spirit) will attend the heavenly wedding banquet and escape the tribulation about to come upon the whole earth. After viewing the video, please bookmark and read the series Our Exalted Position, especially Parts 5-11 if you haven’t already.

May the Lord give us all ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches at this critical point in history. Amen.

21 thoughts on “Warning from God: Prepare Now – YouTube

  1. All true prophetic words coming forth in this hour have the same urgency about them; to repent, set our houses in order, and not be taken by surprise, as the Lord will come as a thief in the night, just as He said He would.
    The false prophets are speaking great swelling words telling Christians “how great it’s gonna be”, and that the Lord is going to enrich and prosper them, etc etc. (like Kim Clement, for example).

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi again, Sis! I read your blog, and addressed the key misconception in a comment therein. I assure you, it IS the Lord speaking through this prophet: He wants all people to be saved, AND He is purifying His Bride via many “tornadoes” (using the imagery of these prophetic dreams). But be assured of this: God did NOT appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess. 5:9); Jesus rescues us from the coming wrath (1:10)! One Body with Christ, snatched up to God and to His throne, our very presence incites the war in heaven that casts the dragon down to earth, unleashing the beast /antichrist (see Rev. chs. 12-13 as addressed in Parts 10-11 of Our Exalted Position


          1. Thanks, Deanna. I appreciate your visit and the comment you dropped. I have responded to clarify the purpose of my post. Regarding whether or not saints will suffer tribulation, the Lord is clear in Matthew 24.

            Sincerely, Ufuoma.


          2. May we ALL press into these Scriptures as you are, dear sister! He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life, indeed, and we, the members of His Body, are being purified so that we will soon reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the WHOLE measure of His fullness (Eph. 4:13)!!

            Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank YOU! I read his post up to the point when he wrote, “Unlike Israel, this is our last chance. If we do not learn from history—America will never be restored.” I do not believe America will be “restored” for I see the signs Jesus warned us about in His Olivet discourse, and I know in my spirit that we are in the last hour of the last days – that Jesus’ seizing up of His Bride is imminent.
          Now, I have noted before that Scripture is clear that the apostles Paul and John likewise believed THEY were living in the last days (i.e. Paul’s use of “we” in 1 Thess. 4:15,17, and John’s words in 1 John 2:18 and Rev. 22:20). In His great wisdom, God has wanted His overcomers to rest securely in the great hope that our trials and tribulations are only temporary, and that we WILL NOT endure the Great Tribulation but be rescued from it (e.g. Titus 2:13;1 Thess. 5:9, 1:10).

          PS I look forward to having time to read your blogs about the dunes of Myrtle Beach. 😊

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I agree with you but I still believe we must do all we can to keep America as a Christian nation. I do believe he accepts the rapture. It’s hard to find anyone who is theologically or doctrinally pure! The day we say we have it 100% right is the day the Lord will remind us pride comes before the fall! We only hope and pray we are on the right path….God is growing us up with our daily Bible reading, prayers and corporate worship!

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          2. Know that I agree we must do all we can to keep America a Christian nation (which it barely is anymore). We must go about our Father’s business, and do exactly as He is doing, say only what He is saying. I just don’t believe our nation will be “restored” to the great nation it once was before the Lord seizes us up and the antichrist is fully revealed on earth below.

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read, watch, and share here. I am praising Him for how He is maturing His glorious Body, bringing us to unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God (Eph. 4:11-13, this blog’s foundational Scripture). We will be meeting each other in glorified bodies soon, after we share a bit more here in the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings…


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