Part VI – The Scooter-Rider’s Head Injury

Here is the last testimony in this particular six-part series of speaking forth the word of God in child-like faith in order to overcome the spiritual powers and principalities in the heavenly realms and receive our inheritance (see Eph. 3:10-11; Heb. 9:15). Please set yourself apart from distractions – it’s a not a short testimony, but you will assuredly receive God’s blessings as you press into Him while reading it! 😊 deanna

The Lord Is With Us

Miraculous Healing Testimony: The Scooter-Rider’s Head Injury

A couple of summers before the events of the previous testimony, our family of four visited my parents in the mountains. Early one morning during a delightfully long time alone with the Lord in prayer and in the word, He impressed upon me that a member of my family would suffer a health-related issue that day. It was not a concern, though; I had His astounding peace about it, and I soon forgot the matter as we continued along together with other topics.

After supper, while it was still light, my daughter was having a blast riding a child’s scooter down the quiet mountain road in front of my parents’ house. She was wearing a helmet, of course. My husband, 57 years at the time, decided that he’d give it a go – without a helmet.

Soaring down the moderately steep decline far faster than…

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7 thoughts on “Part VI – The Scooter-Rider’s Head Injury

    1. We all do that to varying degrees. Praise God that as we humble ourselves like little children, He ALWAYS enables us to do what He has called us to do! I cannot emphasize enough the necessity of humility, knowing who we truly are in Christ, faith, and receptivity to His grace. Thanks for taking the time to share your walk here with us ! 💕

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    1. Thank you Rick, for your beautiful heart for all the members of the Body of Christ, and for taking the time to share it here! Such a blessing… I’m certain your journey has been quite a leap of faith also – He does that with all set on fire for Him, doesn’t He? 😊


  1. My favorite bible verse is about faith: Matthew 9:29 KJV
    Then touched he their eyes, saying, according to your faith, be it unto you.

    I’ve also heard people over the years saying: “fake it ’til you make it.”
    How about “Faith it ’til you make it.”

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    1. Amen to Matt.9:29! Regarding “fake it till you make it,” it is so vital that we Christians know our identity in Christ, our “new self.” The only way the devil can hurt Christians is by deceiving us; it is essential that we know the truth, believe it, and act on it (and often, acting on it is the difficult act of “just” STANDING firm on God’s word). If the Lord so leads you, you may enjoy reading some of the excerpts/transcripts of Dan Mohler, such as this one (linked below) from which I take this quote of his: “So I’m not waking up trying to be a Christian; I’m a son! I’m in, I’m not out! I’m accepted, I’m not rejected!” Have a great weekend, brother! 😊

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