Putting God’s Word into Practice – Applying Truth to the Lies

“…the spirit of truth…will teach you what is yet to come.” (John 16:13). I am in such a blessed season, dear brothers and sisters! As I am engaged in extensive home-schooling by the Holy Spirit, it pleases Him that I reblog these Words of Encouragement for all those of you who have not yet read them (and perhaps for you who read them last year as well 😊). So very much love in Christ Jesus, your sister deanna

The Lord Is With Us

The truth is glorious – clearly not of this world. May the Lord give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation to apprehend it! …Our old self was crucified with Him, and death no longer has mastery over us (Ro 6:6, 9). …by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code (7:6). …you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature (Col 2:10-11).

These truths deliver us from the lie of the sinful nature to the extent that we KNOW them, BELIEVE them, and APPLY them in accordance with the Holy Spirit. This is what James meant when he…

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8 thoughts on “Putting God’s Word into Practice – Applying Truth to the Lies

  1. Beautiful post Deanna. His love, his homeschooling of our minds and hearts, renews us with his truth and forges us into the pure bride he will marry one day. Jesus is perfect in all things!

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    1. Blessed to be in fellowship with you here, dear brother. And thank you for taking the time to share your revelations; please continue doing so! This is how the Body of Christ comes to maturity… Maranatha!


  2. I can see why you reblogged this. I love that you pointed out that believing is an action word. God gave us His word to use. Learning and meditating on His word is beneficial to us- especially when we are faced with the lies of the enemy. Just as Jesus did when He was led to be tempted. He used the word of God to respond to the lies of the enemy! I really appreciate you saying “we put His word into practice by applying truth to the barrage of lies we experience each day.” It reminds us of the power of God’s word.
    God bless you!

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    1. Thank you so much for sharing and for the blessing, dear sister! He just blessed me through you and your love of Him and His omnipotent word! Don’t you love how He loves and builds us up through each other? Oh, how we love His ways (including the discipline…).

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