Becoming Weak in Order that God’s Power and Glory be Manifested in Us

The Lord Is With Us

The Son gave Himself up for us two thousand years ago so that we might receive and live eternal Life: that we might know God so that the love the Father has for the Son may be in us, and that Christ Himself may live in us (see John 17:3, 26). The indwelling Holy Spirit empowers us to live this glorious Life now to the extent that we love Christ and desire to mature in Him more than we love our outer selvesand desire to preserve them.

Each Christian is to deny the natural man and let the death of Jesus work in him while trusting God to glorify Himself through our jars of clay (see 2Cor. 4:7-11, 16-18). Just as Jesus could do nothing of Himself but do only as the Father is doing, we are merely the branches, and can do nothing of ourselves apart from Him…

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3 thoughts on “Becoming Weak in Order that God’s Power and Glory be Manifested in Us

  1. I’ve been following and reading your posts, on my mobile phone. It won’t let me “like” or comment. But today I saw I can reply to your emailed post! Such a great post! We are so self absorbed in our culture. But for those who find no peace or joy at the end of the day will find Jesus as long as they want truth in life. For He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! I know better, but it happens to me….thankfully I’m developing good habits to bring me back quickly! No peace in my ways!


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    1. Praise God for this! Bringing you back quickly: I believe He is doing this with many members of this glorious Body of Christ now.
      I am so blessed He showed you a way to comment, Deb! I missed you!
      Many people prefer to follow and, in the interest of time, miss out on the Lord’s wisdom of prior articles. It is my understanding that this is why He is having me reblog older Words of Encouragement…

      Liked by 1 person

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