Are you tired of sickness/infirmity? Of imperfect health in yourself and/or in people you love dearly? Are you TRULY ready to humble yourself in order to understand why your experience does not align with God’s word and promises on healing?

IF you are, dear fellow child of God, I promise you that either setting aside 34 minutes to watch this YouTube video of Pastor Dan Mohler intently OR reading my excerpts/partial transcript of it here intently WILL be transformational for you. Dan speaks TRUTH here, both boldly and IN LOVE.

Speaking from personal experience, we Christians must press into the Lord with everything we have in order to break free of our worldly-minded strongholds to the glorious FREEDOM and HEALTH that God has for us here in Christ Jesus. If we do our part of submitting to Him and denying “self”, God ALWAYS is faithful to bring the promised results:

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:4-5‬ ‭NIV‬‬).

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters… Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  (Romans‬ ‭12:1-2a‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

God WILL richly bless all who humble themselves and receive His word as truth. I pray that YOU, dear reader, will choose to do so now, for I love you with Christ’s love. ❤️

Afterward, please read It Is Finished! Now Know, Believe, and Receive the Grace for a little more truth of how God has healed us physically as well as spiritually in Christ. Click here for links to multiple testimonies of miraculous healing on this blog-site, and, when you’re serious for solid food on this vital matter, read  “Looking Into God’s Word on the Cause and Eradication of Disease.” (The Lord gave for me to write this ~35 page Bible study shortly after I chose to retire from practicing medicine and devote myself to prayer and to the ministry of His glorious word…)

So very much love in Christ, your sister deanna

9 thoughts on “Today is the Day

  1. I heard the video and agree to the extent that we all can be healed. However, what God grants us is eternal life after death. Therefore, at some point we are to die.

    Joel Osteen’s dad died after being on dialysis for sometime. The spirit of Christ has healed some people and a pet through me. However, others don’t fully heal and either require medication or die. God doesn’t say we are to live forever in the natural realm so death of some sort must come. God doesn’t give us all the answers. That’s His Right.

    Abundant blessings and kind regards, Emma

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    1. So glad you watched it and shared this Emma! Indeed, unless we’re raptured like Enoch and Elijah, we all eventually die physically. We do not have to die of disease, however… (And in His humor and wisdom, God has seen to it that it is a pathologist who has done many autopsies who is writing this!!😊) See the Bible study “Looking Into God’s Word on the Cause and Eradication of Disease” for much more information. Here’s the link:

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  2. Deanna this is timely for me and I will be listening to this, multiple times if necessary! In 2010 I was diagnosed with an incurable auto-immune disease (MS) and I have had some symptom flare ups over the past two weeks. I have confessed my healing but am still symptomatic at times. As I have been seeking God this week on the matter, he revealed somethings I must consistently change in diet and exercise which are all int he natural. I am open to more advice on the topic of healing in the SuperNatural to minister to my spirit. I appreciate this more than you know…

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    1. Praise God for all this! Love His timing also! I am so blessed every time I learn of another Christ-follower pressing into this… Of course, what is presently incurable with our advanced medical science is cured and eradicated for those who rely on Christ and walk in step with the Holy Spirit as you do, sister! His word is truth. Period.
      Please keep me updated on what else the Holy Spirit leads you to read herein on the matter… 😊

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          1. I completely forgot about this comment I made!! It really wasn’t that long ago that I was double minded in believing for my healing! Amazing! So glad you bought this to my remembrance and thanks for sharing my video!☺️

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          2. Prasing God with you and for you, dear sister! You are walking by faith, standing on His omnipotent word, including “by His wounds you HAVE BEEN healed.” (1 Peter 2:24).

            “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31) Join me in praying that others see that Jesus is saying IN Him we are righteous and healthy and do NOT need a doctor. ALL curses were nailed to the cross with Him (Gal. 3:13) including disease. We have to KNOW it, then BELIEVE it, and WALK IT OUT / SPEAK IT FORTH.

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